Ayurvedic massage

Ayurvedic massage: mental relaxation, physical regeneration.

The ancient holistic Indian medicine system of Ayurveda is synonymous with the art of healthy living and gentle healing. It encompasses various forms of massage which not only make you feel great but are also good for your health. Sign up for an Ayurvedic massage and you can look forward to a gentle whole-body treatment or one that focuses on specific parts of your body.

In most versions of Ayurvedic massage, luxury oils are lovingly rubbed into your skin with gentle stroking movements. There's also herbal pouch massage, where the masseur works with little heated bags filled with herbs, powders or grains. Treatments focusing on pressure points or involving massage with a silk glove are also very popular.

Regular, repeated stroking of the arms and legs, with occasional rotating of the joints, is typical of Ayurvedic massage and makes the treatment wonderfully harmonious. Ayurvedic massage has a wide range of effects, from detoxing, cleansing and invigorating to comforting, relaxing and calming.
